All You Need...

Your Crafting Kit:

Beads and Buttons: 
Make sure you keep all your spare beads and buttons, they will always come in handy for customizing your arts and crafts.
Great for making marks that can just be wiped away.
Craft Knife: 
For getting a clean cut around those fiddly shapes and corners.
Craft Wire: 
Of varying thickness.
Fabric Scraps: 
Always keep scraps of fabric, old curtains and things from around the home, you never know where they’ll come in useful.
Fabric glue, super glue and PVA are all must-haves for your crafting kit. 
Measuring Tape
Metal Ruler
Pins: Always make sure you have plenty of pins and safety pins on hand.
Scissors: Both fabric and paper.
Sewing Machine 
Sewing Needles: 
A collection of needles in varying shapes and sizes.
Various threads, including silk and embroidery.
Wire Cutters

Your Cookery Kit:

Baking Tray
Cake Cases: 
Of varying shapes and sizes.
Cake Baking Tin: 
Cupcake, Sandwich and Sponge.
Cling film, Kitchen Foil & Baking Paper
Cooling Rack
A good cutlery set for all kitchen projects.
Glass Bowl: 
Great for making a bain-marie
Knife Set:  
A good, sharp set.
Measuring Jug: 
A glass measuring jug is best and hard-wearing.
Mixing Bowls: 
Large and small are good for all recipes.
Piping Bag: 
Along with a collection of different shaped nozzles. 
Rolling Pin: 
A good heavy duty rolling pin will last you a lifetime.
A good quality set will make sure all your recipes are the perfect consistency.
Sieve & Colander: 
Will be needed for most cookery projects.
A collection of general kitchen utensils including ladles, and large serving spoons.
Both electric and Balloon.
