Handy Hints...

Washing and Ironing:

  • Check all the pockets for money and tissues that can ruin a whole wash.
  • Button up buttons and close zips (helps keeping clothes in shape and protects buttons and zips).
  • Do not overload your washing machine – there must be space for  circulation and movement of laundry.
  • Turn Garments Inside-out before washing, this will slow any fading of colours.
  • When washing lace, underwear and tights, always remember to put them into a pillow case before putting in the machine.


  • Try not to tumble dry where possible…this can miss-shape clothes, and also sometimes shrink them.
  • Always reshape clothes while still wet so as to keep them in shape.
  • NEVER hang-dry woollen clothes, this will stretch them: lay them flat and turn.
  • Do not dry bright colours in direct sunlight…this will also cause fading.

Stain Removal…

  • Sweat/Bodily Oils: Smear some light coloured shampoo onto the mark before washing as shampoo releases bodily oils.
  • Candle Wax: Scrape off the majority of the wax using a blunt knife; Place an old tea-towel on your ironing board, then the wax-stained garment (wax side up) and place some brown baking paper on top of the stain; Iron over the brown paper so that it soaks up the stain, keep moving the paper until it irons clear.
  • Sticky sweets/Chewing Gum: Put the garment into a plastic carrier bag and place in the freezer overnight; Scrape off as much of the sweet as possible; Dab on a little white wine vinegar and wash as usual.
  • Blood: Soak garment in a bowl of lightly salted warm water overnight and then wash as usual

Mending Old:

Spend a day mending ‘old’ and worn clothes before they are beyond repair, to save money and the end result will be far more satisfying than buying new from the high street.

  • Always sew on buttons STRAIGHT AWAY after falling off, or keep them safely in a small pot, to save the risk of losing them.
  • Stitch in a piece of lightweight material to the inside of any weak spots in a garment ie. the trouser crutch, knees or elbows.
  • Save EVERYTHING!!!  Always keep hold of loose trimmings, spare buttons, ribbons and elastic…you may need this at a future date.
