Saturday 4 August 2012

American Slaw...

Following on from my post on Wednesday this week, yesterday I was still feeling a little down at just the general idea that this year, I will NOT be spending the next two months travelling around America...So to cheer myself and Sam up, last night we decided to have an American feast night!!

Food was such a HUGE part of our travels, and oh my god...In America they know how to serve up a good meal. 
 My boyfriend Sam unfortunately suffers from a number of food allergies (among others), and this really limits us to where we can eat when we're eating out in the UK...We found that at first, we stuck to the mainstream chains, and visited a lot of Hard Rock and Rainforest Cafes, but we were made to feel so safe with the food and service we received, we found ourselves becoming more and more comfortable with the idea of branching out and trying local, smaller restaurants, which was lovely to be able to do.

One food that featured with almost every meal we had, was a large helping of Slaw (coleslaw to us brits) on the side of every dish...So with our American feast, we decided to make an attempt at making our own...and here's how we did it...

American Slaw

All you we need for yours:
3 medium sized Carrots
1/2 White Cabbage
1 large White Onion
4 heaped tbsp Mayonaise
1 tbsp White Wine Vinegar
1 tbsp Wholegrain Mustard
Handfull of Dried Cranberries
Salt and Pepper to taste

(obviously this isn't a traditional American Slaw recipe, but we did the best we could with the ingredients we could get our hands on in the UK - and it tasted spot on!)

Step 1.
Start by peeling and thickly grating the carrots and onion, thinly slice the cabbage, and mix together in a large mixing bowl.

Step 2.
Salt and Pepper the vegetables and mix together.  Pour in the white wine vinegar and using your fingers, mix in with the mayonaise, and mustard. 

Step 3.
Finish with a sprinkling of cranberries, to add that extra sweetness to your slaw!

Served up on the side of a half rack of BBQ ribs, BBQ chicken wings, battered onion rings, and potato wedges...YUM!

What reminds you of your favourite holidays?  and to my American readers...what do you think of our recipe? Let me know if you have any suggestions of other great US recipe tricks :)


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